Thursday 23 April 2015

My wild provocative beauty

I stand and stare at the challenging tide as she leaps towards me, only to pull back in a submissive gesture

Her azure undulating form asserts her splendour, in a tantalizing provocative way, tempting me to draw closer to her cavernous depths, the refrain of the surf is like an ensemble playing; even the palms sway with the harmony of the sea

One moment she is calm, reflecting the sun’s energies like diamonds in the waters, glinting and sparkling but then with an energetic surge she becomes a wild rampant white horse, her splashing foam driven by the wind like flaying hair, summoning me to ride her waves

Am I am being seduced by this wild beauty, drawing me ever closer to her all-encompassing supremacy, should I enter this domain of hers knowing that at any time I could be caught out of my depths, or should I bow to her power and step back and merely be satisfied by her splendour

I am like a tree with severed roots, torn from mother earth waiting to be seized, riding the surging tide held in her power only to be thrown back onto the lonely shore laying, waiting to be drawn towards her once more

I want to plunge into her domain and ride her surging spray, dance on the crest of a wave and feel the spray on my face as I go deeper and deeper into her all engulfing depths, this beauty that is spread before me calls me , and I must go
For you see I have a secret compulsion, to dance naked on the water’s edge, in a passion of fire and water, to breathe the cool air and feel the hard earth beneath my feet.

Incorporating all the classical elements of my dance, Fire, Air, Earth and Water, It is this, that the heaving seas say to me, she is my ocean my paramour my mistress, but I will not allow her to control me, for I will ride the waves, I will dive in, I will master her.

But then, in an instance, she is tranquil, her serene waters gleaming, but I know beneath her calm guise she is restless waiting to do battle with any willing assailant, who would dare to challenge her, this is my wild provocative beauty, and she is my restless sea

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